73: JEREMY DANIEL: Using the colour code personality test in business to best work with other people

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Jeremy is one of the colour code personality test assessment experts and educators who works at the HQ in USA with the colour code team. If you have listened to our previous episode 57 where we talk about our biggest leadership lessons, you would have heard us mention this assessment we use with our leaders to help us with our leadership and communication. It has been such an incredible tool to use as we have navigated leadership over the years and now we have the guru himself on the show to help us dive deeper into this incredible tool and resource.

We learn SO much more about this assessment after chatting with Jeremy, we know you are going to absolutely love this episode so much. We chat about where the assessment stemmed from and when it all started, how it's used in a group setting such as a work environment, in particular network marketing.

We chat about the 4 questions you can ask yourself to determines someones personality colour without them having to take the test plus so much more!

Make sure you check out episode 57 to hear us talk about our experience with the test and how we have used it as well as to download the freebie downloadables.

You can take the free colour code assessment here: https://www.colorcode.com/choose_personality_test/

Babes In Businessseason 4