85: 10 ways to get your mojo back and out of a funk

This episode comes with a freebie downloadable!

Click here to grab our 10 tips on how to get your mojo back

We all go through periods of business where we feel uninspired, we loose our mojo, we lack belief and fall in a bit of a funk…even those women you look up to go through it! 

But we get great at moving through them. Most of us don't share publicly what we are moving through privately - so we thought it would be a great candid conversation to have on the podcast this week, where Lauren openly shares her 10 tips on how she moved through the funky energy and got her mojo back at the start of the year when she was navigating these feelings herself.

We created a free downloadable for you with this weeks new episode so you have a cheat sheet whenever get in a funk and need some help getting your mojo back too!

NOTE: Once you enter your details the page will automatically redirect you straight to the freebie, it won’t be sent to your email :)